Disaster Planning

Plan: Business Resiliency Planning 

There are steps a small business owner can take before disaster strikes, which include: 

• Having accounting files backed up to cloud-based servers that can be accessed remotely 

• Understanding supply chain risks 

• Preparing employees for emergencies 

• Being proactive with financial management 

Business Disaster Recovery Plan - Is your business prepared to respond to a severe weather emergency? Some businesses that must close after a major disaster may never open again. Our goal is to help businesses continue to perform the most critical operations, which will help reduce short- and long-term losses to your bottom line. It’s important to have a plan and the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety has made disaster planning easy. 

OFB-EZ Stay Open for Business  

Funding Resources 

SBA’s Disaster Assistance page 

Apply for SBA Disaster Loan 

Disaster Information & Resources 

FEMA “Get Assistance” Tool (anonymous questionnaire to get the most accurate, personalized list of possible assistance, leads to applying online) 

FEMA Application Checklist (information needed before applying, includes information on how to apply by phone)